40hrs Self-paced Online Course

40hrs ~ The Roots, Elements & Nature

An immersion for those whom wish to cultivate a deeper relationship with yoga and nature through the 5 Elements.

What are The Roots of Feminine Yoga?

  • What was here before yoga was codified and put into a box?

  • What was here before heady philosophies & complicated theories were born?  

  • What was here before yoga became a fast-paced practice that matched the fast-paced world we live in? 

  • What was here before the ancient texts were written?

The Roots Of Feminine Yoga is a series about our reconnection to ourselves and the natural world, both inside and out. It is about coming home to our true essence on this earth. It is about embracing our humanness as well as our spirit and it offers a new way of practicing, and a new way of living, that is more aligned with simplicity, balance and nature. 



Welcome (15 minutes)

Ritual (15 mins)

Sadhana (1 hour)

Meditation (15 mins)

Nourishment (15 mins)

Voicework (20 mins)

Sound (20 mins)

Homework: One hour per week (non-contact hours)
Self Practice: Four days per week 30 minute morning ritual.
Plus two x one hour sessions per week minimum.
Four x 15 minute sessions (non contact)


Lorraine Taylor


Main course facilitator & curator, Yoga teacher trainer & mentor​

Lorraine has been immersed in yoga for approximately 30 years. Her studies have taken her to both traditional Indian ashrams and modern day yoga gurus. She has explored the different yogic paths of Hatha, Tantra, Bhakti and Jnana and is currently very inspired by somatic based practices and trauma informed yoga, recognising how important this work is right now. She offers a nurturing feminine approach to the lineage of classical yoga which honours the different levels of our Being with clear insight, compassion and kindness.

Dominique Zuniga

Voice coach and singer​


Dominique Zuniga is a multi- instrumentalist & Vocally opera trained singer combining many worldly influences creating her own style, listed as “Shamanic operatic.” Especially influenced by the indigenous shamanic medicine culture. She uses her voice as a sacred tool to create healing sound scapes that resonate with specific attuned frequencies. Overall creating an authentic and truly Mystic Sound. Her voice has taken her all over the world. She hosts many workshops, retreats and concerts encouraging people to unlock their vocal potential .  Originally from California, origin of mixed descent, Saudi Arabian and Mexican .


  • $298 USD - 40HR Online Self-Paced Training

  • Payable via PayPal or Bank Transfer

  • Inclusions:

    • 40hrs online learning

    • Self practice and study anytime, anywhere!

    • Access to the Lorraine Taylor Sangha (ongoing connection with Lorraine and our community)